Connect Relate Grow

Facilitative Coaching for Educators

Connect Relate Grow (CRG) is an approach that explores the needs and feelings behind behaviour challenges, and by reconnecting with your children/teenagers in school, relationships can develop in which personal growth and academic learning can occur and everyone can feel like a winner.

For teachers who want to see their young people change aspects of their behaviour, teacher counselling/coaching can be fruitful.

This approach

  • is inclusive - adults and children/young people have a voice and take responsibility
  • develops skills for meeting life challenges for the whole of life
  • is appropriate for everyone regardless of external or internal challenges
  • increases self-esteem
  • promotes more rewarding relationships in class in school and in the wider world

Teachers have specific professional challenges like:

work overload,

diverse and multiple needs of students to accommodate

work life balance

impact of work on personal relationships

factors outside of teacher control that impact job satisfaction

challenging professional relationships...

For these and any other issues you might be facing, talking with someone who understands, can empathise and support you to find and explore strategies to support greater peace, could help. See below to contact me.

Connect Relate Grow

Coming soon...Two downloadable, self directed courses,

a shorter one that gives an overview of CRG, its principles which support long term and sustainable change, and how they can be implemented and,

a longer one, with a workbook, that supports teachers to explore in some depth, the impact of current behaviour management styles and the implementation of and reflection on the CRG approach in your own context.

Both courses will offer information to help understanding our own and our students' behaviour as well as approaches to being a teacher and teaching styles that support positive development of the teacher student relationship.

Learn how traditional behaviour management programmes compared to the CRG approach impact personal, social and emotional development.

Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about teacher coaching or to book a session at £38 for 50 ninutes.

You can also call me on 07541857110 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.

©Louise Knight

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