Collaborative Behaviour Change

Workshops for Parents and Teachers.

For both the Parent and Teacher Workshops, I draw on my training as a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Classroom Practitioner, but more importantly, belief in the person centred approach in education, in counselling and in life. I have been part of the team implementing this approach for improving adult/child and child/child relations in the whole school and as a teacher in my own classes.

The person centred approach views every individual as unique and valuable so it works for everyone regardless of age, socio/economic background, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, learning or physical needs or mental health diagnosis.

Collaborative behaviour change is an approach for all parents and educators who have noticed that reward/punishment programmes do not work in terms of long term sustainable behaviour change and are interested in exploring an alternative approach that supports adults to connect with children, to help them become intrinsically motivated to meet behaviour expectations. When behaviour doesn’t meet expectations, adult/child and child/child relationships suffer and learning suffers.

Behaviour and feelings are inextricably linked. Learn how to recognise the feelings behind the behaviours of the children you work with, understand the goals that drive those behaviours and how to help children make long term sustainable changes. As a parent or educator you can help children learn how to get their needs met in a socially constructive way and enjoy a happier home or a more fruitful learning environment.

Collaborative behaviour change is based on the Person Centred approach to learning and counselling. It draws on our innate desires to belong, to thrive and to find meaning. This is not a programme, it is an approach guided by core principles. The principles form the foundation of the relationships within which children feel motivated to make responsible choices.

Learn why traditional reward and punishment programmes don’t work - how they are not only ineffective but actually harmful. Collaborative behaviour change supports adults to support children to feel capable, confident, loved and significant.

Collaborative Behaviour Change workshops take place over:

6 x 2 hour weekly sessions (parent w/s)

2 x half day sessions (parent or teacher w/s)

Groups comprise 4 to 8 parents or teachers/LSAs at £140 per person.

Workshops take place at Hawkerland Edge.

Follow up mentoring visits for teachers can be arranged in schools/classrooms based on a rate of £50 per hour. Follow up mentoring via calls, emails or online meetings can be arranged for parents at £40 per hour pro rata.

Individual counselling for parenting is available at the usual rates - online £40 and in person £45 per hour session. Weekly or fortnightly appointments available.

Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about parent or teacher workshops or to discuss arranging a workshop for your group, or to express interest in a future workshop or book a place on the next workshop. You can also call me on 07541857110 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.

©Louise Knight

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